Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Welcome to the Funky Phantoms and Phantomettes!

If you have receieved a flyer and are interested in joining then here is some information that you may find useful.

SATURDAY CLASSES HELD AT ENTHUSIASM, COTTON LANE, DERBY (Just off Osmaston Road),-1.463757&sspn=0.003579,0.010568&hnear=Derby+DE24+8GG,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=16
3-5 years - 10-10:30am - Street/Disco. 10:30-11am - Cheerleading
5-8 years - 11-11:30am - Street/Disco. 11:30am-12pm - Cheerleading

MONDAY CLASSES ARE HELD AT THE STUDIO ABOVE WATERFALL CAFE BAR, STATION APPROACH, DERBY (opposite Derby Trainstation),+Derby&hl=en&ll=52.916627,-1.464186&spn=0.007155,0.021136&sll=52.903014,-1.462763&sspn=0.007157,0.021136&oq=waTERFALL&hq=Waterfall,&hnear=Derby,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=16
8-12 years - 5-5:45pm - Cheerleading. 5:45-6:30pm - HipHop/Street
12-15 years - 6:30-7:15pm - HipHop/Street. 7:15-8pm Cheerleading
16+ years - 8-8:15pm Cheerleading. 8:15-9:30pm HipHop/Street

Saturday classes are £2.50 per class or £4 for the hour
Monday classes are £4 per class or £6.50 for both

What to wear/Uniform?
When trying classes, members need to be in clothes they can move in. NO JEANS.
They have 4 weeks to decide whether they would like to stay with the Academy and then you are required to buy uniform which is to be worn every week.  Information on Uniform is on an earlier post.

How to join/trial class?
Please contact Lorraine to let her know you will be coming along (via text, phone or email)
Then you will be required to fill in a registration form before leaving your child.

We look forward to meeting some new faces!

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